Admission in our OAV

1. Admission to classes VI  through entrance test to be conducted at OAVs under the direct supervision of Principals of the OAVs.
2. The OAVS shall invite application from the eligible students for admission into Adarsha Vidyalayas for class-VI.Documents required such as;
    (a)  (i) certificate in support of date of birth
          (ii)Class in which she/he reading from concerned Head Master of the school;
    (b) Residential certificate from concerned Sarapanch/ Councilor/ Corporator/ Competent authority.
3. The filled in applications with enclosures as mentioned in the advertisement shall be received by the Principal & Principal-inCharge with proper receipt till the notified cut-off date.
4. There will be an entrance test for admission of students in Odisha Adarsha Vidyalayas or in the selected venues as notified from time to time. The Principal/Principal in Charge will intimate the candidates about the date and venue of entrance test.
5. After the conduct of entrance test, the answer papers will be evaluated by a team of subject teachers under the direct supervision of DEO/Principal.
6. After conduct of the Test the Common Mark List (CML) of all candidates shall be published in the district website. On the basis of distribution of Seats as at Annexure–B. The Select List shall be published and disposed in the district website, BEO office and respective OAV. There shall be a minimum gap of 7 days for completion of admission from first phase Select List which should be notified in the publication of Select List. While preparing the select list,a waiting list shall be prepared and candidates will be admitted in the order from the wait list for the left over vacancies of the select list. The Common merit List,the Select List and the wait list shall be approved by the Collector of the district. If within the given time for admission, an applicant fails to take admission or fails to produce required documents / testimonials after proper intimation to the candidate/ parent , his / her name shall be struck off and next phase selection shall take place. The Second Select List shall be given though the approved wait list/Common Merit List after striking off names who failed to take admission within given time frame of first Selection List. Similarly the third Selection List may be drawn up after expiry of 7days of Second Selection List if wait list is exhausted. In each phase 7 days time shall be allowed for completion of admission.Each selection list shall be approved by the collector of the district. 
7. The Principal of Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya of the block shall take steps to admit selected students duly verifying the documents/ certificates of the selected candidate and maintain ‘Admission and Withdrawal Register’ for the school.
8. In case of any dispute in admission, the decision of the Collector and Chairman of Management Committee for Odisha Adarsha Vidyalayas shall be final. 


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Stay Always As Adarsha

Success comes only after better regular preparation & confidence and hence without hesitating proceeds forwards, a day will comes with you when everyone follows the path in which you proceeds and achieve the success. Have a better or nice career a head to all students of ours school and so that we would be proud of you.

Your Success is ours Success
Thank You
OAVS Frezorpur.