About Us

      OAV Frezorpur, Paikmal is a Govt. Educational Organization operate under the  Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya Sangathan, which is established in 19th day of September 2015, a society under Society Registration Act of Odisha. The General Body is the apex body of the Sangathan headed by Hon’ble Minister, School & Mass Education as Chairman & there is an Executive Body headed by DC-cum-ACS as Chairman.
       These site is only used for information purpose to its followers such as students of oav school,oav members, and other people who wants to seeking the information about students various activities and performance such as cultural programs, students web notice boards. students developments programs, school daily update etc. This site not created for any organizational profit. Mostly it is designed for students and their guidance and oavs members for its better managements as well as for digital communication. 
This site provides
1.     The daily update of all events organized by school.
2.     Students educational progress report.
3.     Students performance in sport, Art, Cultural Program.

4.     Posting of students new idea, creativeness, development in Science, Math, English, Computer Science etc.    


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Stay Always As Adarsha

Success comes only after better regular preparation & confidence and hence without hesitating proceeds forwards, a day will comes with you when everyone follows the path in which you proceeds and achieve the success. Have a better or nice career a head to all students of ours school and so that we would be proud of you.

Your Success is ours Success
Thank You
OAVS Frezorpur.