Sunday 5 May 2019


It is strictly instructed to all students of OAV Frezorpur from class VII to X of academic session 2019-20 to complete their home tasks during summer vacation as per the following given questions and share it to other students of our school also.

                                                                                 PRINCIPAL, OAV FREZORPUR, PAIKMAL

1. Click to view and download home task for all classes VII to X

1. Click here to view or download for all classes VII to X

1. Click here to view and download home task for class VII
2. Click here to view and download home task for class VIII
3. Click here to view and download home task for class IX
4. Click here to view and download home task for class X

1. Click here to download or view for all classes VII to X

1. Click here to download or view home task for class VII
2. Click here to download or view home task for class VIII
3. Click here to download or view home work for class IX
4. Click here to download or view home task for class X

1. Click here to download or view home task for class VII
2. Click here to download or view home task for class VIII
3. Click here to download or view home task for class IX
4. Click here to download or view home task for class X

1. Click here to download or view home task for all classes VII to X

1. Click here to download or view home task for all class VII to X

1. Click here to download or view home task for all classes VII to X

1. Click here to download or view home task for all classes VII to X

Physical Education:
1. Click here to download or view home task for class VII
2. Click here to download or view home task for class VIII
3. Click here to download or view home task for class IX
4. Click here to download or view home task for class X



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Stay Always As Adarsha

Success comes only after better regular preparation & confidence and hence without hesitating proceeds forwards, a day will comes with you when everyone follows the path in which you proceeds and achieve the success. Have a better or nice career a head to all students of ours school and so that we would be proud of you.

Your Success is ours Success
Thank You
OAVS Frezorpur.